7 Ways to Make $1000 or More this Month with ChatGPT

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

What if I told you that ChatGPT has made me over $2k last month and you can do the same very easily in a few clicks.

Here’s the Proof

Screenshot by Author

If you want to see similar or better results, than all you have to do is pay close attention for the next 2–3 Minutes.

This is not another one of those Making Money Online articles, you read everyday. I’m going to share all the details on why it works, how it works and (most importantly) will it work for you.

Let’s start

Important Note: I’ll share all the prompts at the end of this article but before you scroll and download all them, please pay close attention for the next 2 minutes to fully understand what to do and why am I so confident that this will work for you.

#1: Keyword Research

Blogging is still one of the top business models in the world. There are over 600 million blogs on the internet and a total of 1.9 billion websites worldwide. And 8.3 Million Articles are published everyday.

Now every single one of those 8.3 Million articles are published with one goal in mind ‘To Rank #1 on Search Engines’ for specific keywords which means 8.3 million people are doing keyword research everyday.

And most of those articles won’t rank #1 so they hire SEO Experts to do Keyword research for their blog.

I know you’re not an SEO Expert but I know someone who can do it better than most people doing it.

Here is a demo of it’s power; I asked it do Keyword Research for “Diabetes Niche”

Screenshot from ChatGPT by Author

This is the Prompt I used

You are an SEO expert and a Brilliant Keyword Researcher. I need you to help me find specific keywords for my New Blog in niche [Niche] and sub-niche [Sub Niche].

First Identify 20 primary keywords of this sub-niche, and then 5 secondary keywords for every Primary one. Then write 20 keywords that have low Competition and 20 long tail keywords for this sub niche.

I want you to give me some unique keywords as well that might not be obvious but go well in this niche (words that we call hidden gems).

I also want a section for all of these sections as well (atleast add 5 in each category): Questions, Alphabit, Comparisons, Intent-Based, Price, Time-Related, Audience Specific, Problem-Solving, Feature-Specific, Reviews, Cost-Related, Trend-Based

Come Up with Opportunities for Improvement and New Ideas to write about in my sub-niche and look for keywords that I can write about to kick start my Blogging Journey.

Take this step by step and create a tabular format for the answer.

OUTPUT: Markdown format with #Headings, ##H2, ###H3, + bullet points, + sub-bullet points

Now if you package this service with this next one, I’m sure you’ll make alot of money very quickly.

OR you can start your own blog and out-rank everyone and monetize with other strategies.

#2: Competitor’s SEO Analysis

Competitor Analysis is something that most bloggers overlook and just focus on finding the best keywords which is why they fail their blogs.

This is where you can offer detailed analysis of their top 10 competitors and help them fix this problem.

Here is How ChatGPT can help you do Competitor’s SEO Analysis

Screenshot by Author from ChatGPT

This is the Prompt I used

You are a master in Content Creation on [Social Media Platform]. I need you to Brainstorm some viral video ideas for my [Social Media Platform]. I create content around [Niche] Niche, [Sub-Niche] Sub-Niche. Create 10 Topics and then 5 Video Ideas for each of those topics.

Make sure the Content ideas that you brainstorm have atleast 3 out of these Viral Recipe:

The Most Important Part: My Audience should be interested in the topic you choose and it should trigger some kind of an emotion in my audience.

I could craft an unskippable and irresistible Hook in that idea

I can have my opinion on it that people will stay on the video to know

I can incorporate a short story into the video with lots of ups and downs

I could add a Clear Message or Concept

It should be trending in my niche but not much content is produced on it yet

I could leverage any famous celebrity in my niche

It’s not necessary for every idea to have all of these points in them, you can aim for 3.

Start and deeply think about the best 15 ideas. Write short descriptions for all of those video ideas telling me why that particular title that you wrote has virality written all over it. Also tell me How many Viral Recipe Points it covers.

#3: Brainstorming New Content Ideas

If I know anything about Content Creation, it’s that finding new ideas that your audience wants to watch is extremally hard. And believe me when I say this: I got paid over $100 just to write 4 Viral Video Ideas.

Quick Side Note: Now when I mention it’s easy and you can charge clients lot of money for this, I don’t mean under delivering the services. I am a big believer of over delivering and exceeding expectations of clients and if ChatGPT can help me do it easily, effectively and in less time, then there is nothing wrong with it. And I always recheck ChatGPT’s outputs and make sure they are exactly what my clients want.

This is How ChatGPT creates viral content ideas for me:

Screenshot by Author from ChatGPT

This is the Prompt I used

You are an Expert in Competitor Analysis. I want you to use all of your Analytical Skills and analyze my Competitor’s Article with a focus on creating a comprehensive strategy to surpass it’s ranking.

Create a Detailed Table that outlines crucial details about the Competitor’s Article, Including the Keywords they’ve used and Key Areas where Improvements can be made in my Article to enhance its value and surpass the Competitor.

Additional Information:

  • Primary Keywords/topic: [Specify the Main Focus or Primary Keywords of the Competitor’s Article]
  • Key Points/sections Covered: [List Major Sections or Key Points Discussed in the Competitor’s Article]
  • Competitor’s SEO Strategy: [Describe Any Apparent SEO Tactics Used by the Competitor]
  • Opportunities for Improvement: [Identify Areas in Your Article That Could Be Enhanced to Provide Greater Value or Fill Gaps Left by the Competitor]
  • Proposed SEO Enhancements: [Offer Actionable Strategies to Improve Your Article’s SEO and Surpass the Competitor]
  • Cost-Effective Strategies: [Suggest Strategies That Won’t Heavily Impact Your Budget but Can Significantly Boost Your Article’s Performance]

Do a thorough Analysis of the Competitor’s Article, Emphasize Strengths and Weaknesses. Then create a Comprehensive Table with Columns Covering Keywords, Sections Covered, On page SEO Strategies to Outperform the Competitor and Potential Improvements. Keep in mind the Strategies You Suggest are Actionable and won’t require significant financial investment. Provide Practical Insights that can be Implemented Right now, Take it step by step.

Here is the article [Paste Article]

Pro Tip: Use the Audience Research before this prompt to make it even more effective.

You can also use the keyword research prompt for this and then search that keyword on this website where you’ll find all the best performing similar videos and take inspiration from them and come up with trending viral Ideas for your Clients or for Yourself.

But if you combine it with Script Writing (both long form or short form) or article writing services, you have essentially replaced a content serving agency all by yourself.

#4: Audience Research

Having a complete data of your audience is a game changer. It means you’re entering the playing field with proper preparation.

Because this research helps content creators find out exactly what their audience needs, what they feel because of not having what they need and what changes will getting that particular thing bring in their everyday life. By knowing all of this they can tailor their content and paid products directly to to their audience and offer complete solutions.

Here is a demo of the prompt I use for Researching Audiences

Screenshot by Author from ChatGPT

This is the Prompt I used

I’m [What are you doing Example: Writing an Article, Creating a YouTube Video] but I’m struggling to understand who will view this and why.

Become I want to know as many groups of Audiences that will find my content valuable. 5–10 Groups in one line.

Here are some more questions I want you to answer after the above one:

Tell me about the Audience (Their Beliefs, Desires, Dreams, Fears, Doubts, Emotions, Suspicions, Pains, Failures)

What are some buzzwords that trigger their emotions?

What is the “one big belief” I need to prove?

What are the top 10 biggest false beliefs of my Viewers?

What are their top 5–10 FAQs/objections?

What information do people want to see as a complete information source for [Topic]?

#5: For Writing Books

I made most of that 2,000 writing book for clients and using ChatGPT. And there is still little to no competition in this niche. I got paid $40-$300 per Book that I wrote and these are the ChatGPT Prompts I used to do so.

Side Note: My Clients knew that these books will be AI generated but I promised them that these will be helpful for the audience reading it. And always used to read through the book to see if ChatGPT did it’s job or not. I also used to research about the topic and my clients also had some concepts that they wanted to talk about so the book was unique and valuable. This is a win win situation for all of us, I won because I made money, My Clients won because they didn’t had to pay a book writer 1000s of dollars and the audience got a valuable book.

Here is a demo of the prompt that I used to write complete books that were worth reading

Screenshot from ChatGPT by Author

This is the prompt I used

You are an expert in the topic [Paste Topic] and a seasoned book author with a deep knowledge of the topic. I want you to create a brilliant outline for my new book which will be about [Short Description about your Book].

I want this book to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the topic with complete explanations and proper logics. I want to clear all the doubts, take away all the pains and give them all the information they need to feel confident that they can achieve the dream outcome.

I want you to create [#] Chapters to get my point across and make are the readers satisfied. Each chapter should include main headings and subheadings that cover every aspect of the topic. For each subheading, I need at least 3 key points of discussion with a short description of what should be included in that subheading. Make sure that there’s a logical flow from one chapter to the next, and the information flows.

Add valuable insights, practical knowledge and actionable advice that a reader needs. And back it up by data, any social proof or case study that is real. It doesn’t have to be my, use someone else’s case study to prove your point but it has to be real. Maintains a smooth flow and also offers readers a comprehensive and engaging resource, keeping them committed to exploring each chapter.

OUTPUT: Markdown format with #Headings, ##H2, ###H3, + bullet points, + sub-bullet points

#6: Analyzing and Improving your Writing

Everything you say in your marketing campaigns, organic content, cold outreach, articles, threads or anything else, it’s just words. So how can you make it better? By getting good at writing words or by writing better words.

Before ChatGPT, you’d have to get a Mentor to do this but now with proper prompts you are able to do it for completely free and it does a much better job in my opinion.

Here is how ChatGPT can help you analyze and improve your writing

Screenshot from ChatGPT by Author

This is the Prompt I used

Act as a professional writing assistant. I will provide you with text and you will do the following:

  1. Check the text for any spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors and correct them.
  2. Check for any grammatical errors and correct them
  3. Remove any unnecessary words or phrases to improve the conciseness of the text
  4. Provide an analysis of the tone of the text. Include this analysis beneath the corrected version of the input text. Make a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the tone.
  5. Re-write any sentences you deem to be hard to read or poorly written to improve clarity and make them sound better.
  6. Assess the word choice and find better or more compelling/suitable alternatives to overused, cliche or weak word choices
  7. Replace weak word choices with stronger and more sophisticated vocabulary.
  8. Replace words that are repeated too often with other suitable alternatives.
  9. Rewrite or remove any sentences, words or phrases that are redundant or repetitive.
  10. Rewrite any poorly structured work in a well-structured manner
  11. Ensure that the text does not waffle or ramble pointlessly. If it does, remove or correct it to be more concise and straight to the point. The text should get to the point and avoid fluff.
  12. Remove or replace any filler words
  13. Ensure the text flows smoothly and is very fluent, rewrite it if it does not.
  14. Use varying sentence lengths.
  15. Have a final read over the text and ensure everything sounds good and meets the above requirements. Change anything that doesn’t sound good and make sure to be very critical even with the slightest errors. The final product should be the best possible version you can come up with. It should be very pleasing to read and give the impression that someone very well-educated wrote it. Ensure that during the editing process, you make as little change as possible to the tone of the original text input.

Beneath your analysis of the text’s tone, identify where you made changes and an explanation of why you did so and what they did wrong. Make this as comprehensive and thorough as possible. It is essential that the user has a deep understanding of their mistakes. Be critical in your analysis but maintain a friendly and supportive tone.

OUTPUT: Markdown format with #Headings, #H2 H3, bullet points-sub-bullet points

Once you understand everything I wrote above, please ask for the text that I want to fix

ChatGPT can also help you Proofread and Edit your content. I always use this before I publish something. It’s not only a huge timesaver but helps me publish with more confidence.

Screenshot from ChatGPT by Author

This is the Prompt I used

You are a meticulous proofreader and editor with a keen eye for detail and a mastery of the English language. Your goal is to thoroughly review the provided draft text and suggest edits to improve clarity, flow, grammar, and overall impact.

Follow this process to proofread and edit the draft text:

Step 1: Read through the entire draft to understand the overall message and structure before making any edits.

Step 2: Perform a detailed line edit, watching for:

  • Spelling, grammar and punctuation errors
  • Awkward phrasing or sentence structure
  • Redundant or unnecessary words and phrases
  • Incorrect or inconsistent formatting
  • Factual inaccuracies or unsupported claims
  • Change any word that is hard to understand to something that even a 5th grader can understand

Step 3: Suggest reordering sentences or paragraphs to improve the logical flow and coherence of the writing. Use transition words and phrases to link ideas.

Step 4: Provide recommendations to enhance the draft’s overall impact and persuasiveness:

Strengthen word choice by replacing weak or vague terms with more powerful language

Vary sentence length and structure to improve readability and keep the reader engaged

  • Ensure the main points are clearly stated and well-supported
  • Maintain a consistent voice and tone aligned with the purpose and intended audience
  • For any major revisions, provide a brief rationale to help the author understand your thought process and learn for future writing.


  • Preserve the original author’s voice and intent. Avoid making edits that change the core meaning.
  • Be respectful and constructive with feedback. The goal is to help the author improve, not to criticize.
  • Prioritize edits that have the greatest impact on clarity and persuasiveness of the writing.

Here is how the output should be formatted:


Provide a quick summary of the key points and overall message of the draft text


List out all the mistakes and errors you observed in the draft text, including spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting, factual inaccuracies, awkward phrasing, etc.

Present this as a table or bulleted list for clarity, categorizing issues by type (e.g., grammar, clarity, formatting).

Add specific examples from the text to illustrate each error.

Revised Draft:

Insert the full edited and proofread text here, with all the mistakes corrected and suggestions implemented. Preserve as much of the original formatting as possible.

Detailed Edit Notes:

Use this section to provide a more detailed explanation of the edits you made and your reasoning behind them. Reference specific line numbers were helpful. Include any major revisions or recurring errors for the author to watch out for in the future.

#7: Writing Book Summaries

On Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), approximately 11,000 new Kindle eBooks are published daily. This translates to around 330,000 eBooks monthly and about 4 million eBooks annually.

You can use ChatGPT to create a Book Summarizing blog or a simple tool that helps people generate summaries with one click. Let me how you a demo of this prompt, I’ll use Finish What You Start by Peter Hollins

Screenshot from ChatGPT by Author

This is the Prompt I used

Write a thorough yet concise summary of [BOOK TITLE] by [AUTHOR].

Concentrate on only the most important takeaways and primary points from the book that together will give me a solid overview and understanding of the book and its topic.

Include all of the following in your summary:

  • 3 of the best Quotes from this Book that change the way we think
  • Main topic or theme of the book
  • Why should someone read this book (Be specific in this Heading)
  • 7–10 Key ideas or arguments presented
  • Chapter titles or main sections of the book
  • Key takeaways or conclusions
  • Any Techniques or special processes told by the author in the book
  • Author’s background and qualifications
  • Comparison to other books on the same subject
  • 5–7 Target audience groups or intended readership
  • Reception or critical response to the book
  • Recommendations [Other similar books on the same topic] in detail
  • To sum up: The book’s biggest Takeaway and point in a singular sentence.

OUTPUT: Markdown format with #Headings, ##H2, ###H3, + bullet points, + sub-bullet points.

Download all 7 of these Prompts

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Hope you enjoy it!

P.S. Also curious how you use AI in your work? Thanks! 😀

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