How to Write a $150 Article in 15 Minutes

You can make money with quickly written articles

Can you make money writing things that don’t take a lot of time and research?

The answer is yes. Yes you can.

Which is good for me as I specialize in slapdash content that is hastily put out is still readable if a little unprofessional but in a charming way.

So why am I writing this article?

Is it because articles about money do well?

Yes, that’s part of it. Though this could hardly be considered any kind of bradocious content as 150 dollars is not anything to write home about (but apparently enough to write an article about.)

So what’s the article?

It’s this one.

How to Write a Short Story Every Day

There’s a couple things I want to explain about this article and why I think it works.

One, it’s a fun article that’s actually filled with some good, practical advice.

If you want to have any success nowadays you must write things people want to read.

I realize that’s a bit obvious.

But the internet and user generated content platforms are awash with pretty shallow content that strings together a few points and gets the reader in and out in a minute and then on to the next piece of content.

Not that there’s anything wrong with writing that kind of stuff. It was my bread and butter for years.

But with AI those kinds of articles are turned out so quickly that it doesn’t make sense for a human to write them.

Gemini can pop out a blog article with a few key key points in seconds and the writer can post hundreds of them a day.

So how do you write content that still does well but still comes in digestible packages and doesn’t need to be a research heavy dissertation.

You do this by infusing your experience and your personal touch into work. That’s not something that AI can compete with.

At least not yet.

You see I said that I wrote that post in 15 minutes but in reality it took years.

Nearly ten years ago I embarked on a personal contest to write and post a short story every day.

I had just been hired as a writer for a new new platform and I was to produce content. I was allowed to write whatever I wanted. I just needed to produce a lot of stuff, Halloweeen was coming and I thought it would be fun to write a new short story every day.

The reader’s digest version is that it was so much harder than I thought it would be. But I would get bitten by a writing bug and for a long time I made most of my writing money writing short stories on the Internet.

For years I posted a new short story every day.

This gave a huge well to draw from.

So when I went to write How To Write a Short Story Every Day I had years of tips and experience that allowed me to quickly come up with a plan to write it and it came together rather quickly.

Also, when I wrote I was able to give actionable, practical tips that came from my own experience.

This kept it from being a list of the same ten writing tips people pass around.

Now the fact that I wrote it in 15 minutes is another reason it works. For far too long I would get bogged down writing articles trying to make them sound perfect. I realized that just putting my head down and getting out what I want to say worked so much better.

So you can definitely still write quick articles that will put a bit of cash in your pocket but make them unique and entertaining because generic stuff is for AI now.

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